How Long Will FG Bathtub Reglazing Last?

If you have decided to have your bathtub reglazed, you may be wondering how long it will last. Here are some pros and cons of the process. Read on to learn more about the cost and preparation involved in the process. Also, you’ll learn how long it will take to complete. Contact us to learn more about bathtub refinishing in san diego\

Factors Influencing Lifetime Value of FG Bathtub Reglazing

FG Bathtub Reglazing: Lifespan Factors & Considerations


Tub reglazing is a cost-effective way to give your bathtub a fresh, new look. The process involves filling in cosmetic damage, etching the tub, and painting it in the desired color. This process can add years to the life of a tub. It also helps save the environment, reducing the amount of trash you have to dispose of. 

However, bathtub reglazing can be a time-consuming process. It requires at least one day of work, as the paint and primer need to dry thoroughly before the second coat is applied. Hence, this project should be undertaken in the cooler months of the year when humidity is low. 


If you’re considering a makeover for your bathtub, one option is bathtub reglazing. The process is not very expensive, but the amount you spend will depend on the size and type of your tub. This cost is likely to rise if your bathtub needs major repairs. However, if you don’t mind putting in a little effort, you can also consider DIY bathtub reglazing. 

Bathtub reglazing requires a lot of preparation time. In addition to the materials and labor, you will need to pay for mobilization and setup time for the team. Additionally, you’ll pay for testing and remediation costs for any hazardous materials in your tub. Other expenses you may incur during this process include the general contractor’s markup and overhead, sales tax on materials, and permit fees. 


Preparation is one of the most important steps in the bathtub reglazing process. It is important to clean off all soap scum, oil, and silicone materials from the surface of the bathtub, which will help the reglazing material adhere to the surface. Take special care to clean the drain area, as this is a common failure point. 

To start, you need to remove all caulk from the bathtub’s exterior and interior surfaces. You also need to remove any hardware and non-slip surfaces. Then, you can scrub the surface to remove any dirt, soap scum, or hard water deposits. 


If you’re in the market for bathtub reglazing, there are several things to consider. For one, the surface must be thoroughly prepped. This will help prevent problems later. If you don’t prep properly, the reglazing could peel off, and you’ll have to start over. 

The type of reglazing agent used and the craftsmanship of the refinisher will also determine how long the glaze will remain intact. Professional reglazing, performed by a professional, will last about 10 to 15 years. The professional process will also provide a warranty. Some professional refinishers offer warranties that last anywhere from five to ten years. In addition, a professional refinisher will use a durable coating that will last for at least 20 years.